Saturday 9 April 2011

I got awoken 30 min ago by a dream.  It wasn't a nightmare.  But that dream certainly told the story of my life in a very succint manner.  Well, at least the story of my CURRENT life.

I was waiting in line at a water-cooler.  It was going to be my turn next.  A line behind me was forming.  Always trying to look smart, I pointed to an adjacent empty water-cooler and told my girlfriend, "Look, people always assume.  Perhaps it's working?  (I already knew that it wasn't working.)

My girlfriend went to check that adjacent water-cooler.  At the same time, it was my turn at my water-cooler.  I pressed the nozzle but water only trickled out.  I pressed it harder but there was no response.  I straightened my back.  I saw that my girlfriend's water cooler was working.  I started to make a move for that one, when suddenly something fell into my water-cooler basin.  Upon impact, it writhed and trashed around.  It flipped itself over.  It was brownish, narrow, long, animal with four small legs. Yeap.  In my dream I saw a four-legged snake.  

I remember thinking to myself.  Wow!  Super lucky. 

Now that I am finishing this blog post, I am reconsidering my first paragraph.  Initially I thought the lesson was - "unlucky things always happen to me (no water from water-cooler), the only consolation is that things just didn't get worse (did not get hit on my head by snake)". 

I realise now that the lesson is really: "small unlucky things happen to me, but they keep me away from the big unlucky things".  I should thank God for the many little unfortunate blessings.

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